For nearly a quarter century, Party on the Pier has brought joy and play to the community while raising vital funds to support high-priority programs and leading-edge research for patients treated at UCLA Health Children’s Hospital.
As we embarked on the planning for this year’s event, we learned of Cirque du Soleil’s residency in the main Santa Monica Pier parking lot, restricting parking access. The experience of our guests, particularly our patient and donor families with young children, is our first priority.
Based on this, and with input from our Party on the Pier co-chairs, we have made a proactive decision to move the celebration to 2025 to assure a successful 25th anniversary event.
To keep our essential programs thriving without our flagship fundraiser, we are asking for your continued generosity by contributing to our Party On! campaign. All donations will directly benefit hospitalized children and their families.
Thank you for your partnership. We cannot wait to see all your smiling faces back on the Pier in 2025.
With deepest gratitude,
Johnese Spisso, M.P.A.
President, UCLA Health
CEO, UCLA Hospital System
Associate Vice Chancellor, UCLA Health Sciences
Sherin U. Devaskar, M.D.
Chair, UCLA Department of Pediatrics
Physician-in-Chief, UCLA Health Children’s Hospital
Mattel Executive Endowed Chair in Pediatrics